Monday, August 16, 2021


Day 5.  Low of 68° and a high that lasted 3 hours of 104°.


416 miles. 

Down part of the day was Kevin Q’s u-joint failed on his ST1300.  Good part – Honda dealer 35 miles away and they have it 80% ready to repair once UPS arrives tomorrow.  Greg, Russ and I continued on per Kevin’s request.  Once his bike is fixed, hopefully tomorrow, he will plot a route to meet at a days ending point.

Other than being HOT all has gone well for the other 3 of us.

Overnight in Forsyth, Montana.

Sandy the Sandhill Crane

Look on the hill.  Large object is Salem Sue.  World's largest cow.

Enchanted Highway art at the beginning of the trail

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  Day 15 – Cameron, MO to HOME   387 Miles Not much to say again except it was good to get home. 5200 miles, 2 very short runs in rain. ...