Sunday, August 15, 2021


Our trip got started on 8-12 at about 11:15 AM from Montfort.  I met Greg and we rode up to Lanesboro arriving at 2:00.  While unpacking I had an empty saddle bag that was suppose to have all of my clothes, toiletries and other needed items.  That bag was sitting in my hallway in Montfort.  A real DAH moment.  My good buddy Tom drove up to join the group in his car. A few minutes of chuckles and he drove me home and back after retrieving my forgotten items.


Today was pretty uneventful.  We stopped in Fargo, ND to visit the widow of a good riding friend, Colleen Collins.  Had a nice visit and then road the final 90 miles to our motel in Jamestown, ND


We had a low of 50° to a high of 96° and a stiff front quartering wind.

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